August has flown by in a second and feels like it lasted forever at the same time. It was such an incredibly exciting month with a huge change: starting my first full-time job. I am doing a traineeship for the next two years for one of the public broadcasting agencies in Germany. During my traineeship I will be learning about TV, radio, online...
Balance has become somewhat of a buzzword, especially in the #fitfam of Instagram. But it can be quite difficult to fill this word with actual meaning. For years I personally did not feel like I understood the concept of balance at all. I am pretty extreme in everything I do, I have extreme highs and intense lows, I need to see people 24/7...
The past two weeks have been an absolute whirlwind. It has been such an intensely long time of waiting for a new chapter in my life to start and then it was here and the time since first of August feels both like an eternity and about five seconds. I am in what I think is quite an unusual situation, starting yet another...
I have been planning a little getaway before diving into full-time employment for the longest time and had already given up on it ever happening, when I got a little text from my dear friend Minh-Thu saying she wanted to head on vacay last week of July. Within a day we booked flights, a darling little Airnbnb and I was lucky enough to...